



The Language Agility Hub



We are a one-stop hub at the intersection of language, culture, technology, and global markets. Through a comprehensive suite of services—translation, localization, subtitling, localization tools and systems, globalization strategy and data annotation—we are committed to fostering global connections and ensuring content resonates authentically with each target audience.

From Canadian French (with Localizzz Canada) to African languages (with Localizzz Africa) through European languages (on demand), our commitment is to transcend linguistic barriers, foster seamless communication, and catalyze growth for businesses and communities alike.

Together, we will craft a harmonious future where language is not a barrier, but a bridge to endless possibilities.






Globalization for Language Inclusion and Accessibility

Translation & Localization Tools and Systems for Small LSPs and Businesses Working with African Languages

NLP Model Building for Low-Resourced Languages

Intelligent Agent Evaluation, Annotation & Localization

Prompt & Chatbot Evaluation, Annotation & Localization

Data Collection

Local Successes & Global Opportunities

We offer integrated language services to ensure your content is consistent, feels native and relatable in each region and market you are communicating, including Canada and Africa.


Our various units work together to offer translation and localization of IT, tech and business content to businesses and organizations looking explore the Canadian markets, and to Canadian business and organizations looking to expand globally, including in Africa, linguistically inclusive localization tools and consulting, etc.

We are committed to language inclusion for underrepresented communities, enhancing technology access in marginalized languages, and building NLP tools for low-resourced languages.

Additionally, our data annotation services enhance AI-driven projects by ensuring accurate content, ensuring optimal model performance.

Whether you’re expanding internationally, producing global content, or enhancing AI capabilities, our language solutions bridge gaps, foster understanding, and drive success in the multilingual digital era.

Reach out to us directly, or to any of our units you need service from below.

Translation & Localization Solutions

120 Wellington street

Suite 205

London (ON) N6B 2K6


+1(226) 210-3010